Viable Synergy's CEO Recognized as a Top 10 Most Influential Women in Technology in 2020
It was an honor for our Founder and CEO to be recognized as one…

Personalization in Healthcare: Increasing Patient Engagement
Have you ever frequented a local business or restaurant? Do they…

Healthcare: It’s time to make it more personal
Improving outcomes for patients by personalizing the experience…

Personalization in Healthcare
Inclusion may be one of…

New Research Finds Consumers Expect Immediate Personalized Experiences
Technology to support personalization is rapidly improving and…

Detecting Breast Cancer with Google AI 'impressive technology besting radiologists'
It is exciting to see the progression of the use of advanced…

Unlocking the Power of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Medicine
Data sciences, machine learning, and the entire field of AI (artificial…

Health leaders ramp up AI investments as confidence in the technology grows
Health leaders are starting to see the benefits of AI in healthcare.…

Consider a Unique Approach to Leveraging Machine Learning in Healthcare with Innovation Station
Artificial Intelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML) can be used…