Officials Announce Health Care Tech Rules, Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Officials Announce Health Care Tech Rules, Amid Coronavirus Crisis While…

Digital Transformation: How COVID-19 Is Pushing Along the Industries

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced many of us around the world…

Innovative Program for Families in Need of Food Anywhere in the US

I was inspired by this personal email sent by the CEO of …

HealthIT Infrastructure

Below is an excerpt from an article published in HealthIT…

Speak Out About Impact Health Info Blocking Has on Our Health, Finances, and Economy

Originally published on LinkedIn: I…

Detecting Breast Cancer with Google AI 'impressive technology besting radiologists'

It is exciting to see the progression of the use of advanced…

Google helps publish the largest high-res map of brain connectivity

It's exciting to see Google's contributions to support Open Science…

Healthcare Buzzwords: One Word Sunnie Southern Thinks Should be Retired

People love buzzwords... and Colin Hung, Health IT Journalist,…
innovation station ai platform