Obama Administration Announces to Accelerate Precision Medicine Initiative

Precision Medicine Initiative: Obama Administration Announces Key Actions

St. Elizabeth Healthcare will assess and operationalize the use of a precision medicine pharmacogenomics test in 2016 to identify the specific type and dosage of medicine to prescribe based on the patient’s genetic profile. St. Elizabeth will publish its key learnings and best practices in open access journals, present findings in public forums, and share ongoing experiences via digital and social media targeting clinicians, patients, and families to increase the awareness and adoption of precision medicine practices. St. Elizabeth will also collaborate with Viable Synergy to provide a Precision Medicine Innovation Station, where patients and families will be able to access educational resources, identify clinicians who offer precision medicine testing, receive direct access to their pharmacogenomics test results, sign-up for supporting services like genetic counselors and medication financial assistance programs, and join peer support communities.

Read the entire article here: https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/2016/02/25/fact-sheet-obama-administration-announces-key-actions-accelerate