Digital Transformation: How COVID-19 Is Pushing Along the Industries

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced many of us around the world to rethink work, education, and entertainment. With bans on travel, mandatory shutdowns on gyms and restaurants, and a CDC recommended gathering size of no larger than 10 – now more than ever companies and industries are rethinking how we operate day to day.

Ability to Work from Home

Even the most conservative companies are now allowing work from home measures for their workforce to help in preventing the spread of the virus.


Before COVID-19 telehealth medicine was making slow progress, but now there is a massive push in telemedicine to prevent unnecessary in-person contact.

Remote Learning

Schools and Universities throughout the country have ended in-person classes and lectures and shifted all learning to online as a measure to curb the outbreak. Some schools already online or partially online are better equipped to handle the shift.

Events Going Virtual

Some of the largest worldwide conferences have been canceled and/or switched to virtual events due to the outbreak.


Remote communications, work, and education is easier with the proper tools and cloud meeting tech.

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