$50K Challenge via Robert Wood Johnson

This challenge seeks solutions that use data to develop an app that will help consumers compare health plan cost sharing features and choose the best plan. Submissions require a text description of the solution, a PowerPoint presentation and wireframes of the application.

The market for health insurance is becoming increasingly oriented toward direct-to-consumer sales. A major impetus for this was the establishment of the Health Insurance Marketplaces as part of the Affordable Care Act. However, employers are increasingly establishing private exchanges for their workers, and the establishment of SHOP may provide another exchange opportunity for small employers. The exchange context offers more choices for consumers, and there is considerable variation in benefit design and cost-sharing features of different products. Benefit design is changing in ways that tend to increase consumer cost-sharing and associate the premium amount with the scope of the provider network.

View Resource: http://www.health2con.com/devchallenge/rwjf-plan-choice-challenge/