It is reassuring to see that more individuals and organizations are considering more complex and integrated approaches to developing and executing care strategies.

In an article published by Eric Sagonowsky on Jul 12, 2016 7:50am in Fierce Pharma –  entire article can be found by clicking here – Eric describes a few key challenges with our approach to helping patients to live fully and healthy with diabetes including the lack of focus on “adherence” and suggesting that we think more strategically about how and when we share information.

Murray Aitken from IMS Institute supported Eric’s suggestions by describing the importance of alignment across the care continuum of official and voluntary organizations to help ensure optimal patient treatment adherence.

Original excerpts from the article can be found below.

“… the IMS Institute found, many existing diabetes strategies aren’t zeroing in on adherence. With that in mind, the authors suggest steps to improve the situation such as identifying patients in need of help, offering customized education and applying new technology to guide patients through managing their care.

“Simple, customized interventions that put patients on the path to optimal adherence and persistence can yield tangible results, but require alignment between healthcare and government leaders, as well as the active involvement of voluntary associations and the private sector,” IMS Institute director Murray Aitken said in a statement.”

Viable Synergy’s take:

We believe that the power of getting the right information to the right person at the right time can have a profoundly positive impact on a person’s health.

Often times “information dumping” is done to patients and families when they visit clinicians whether it be for a follow-up or for something more serious. There are many reasons for this including trying to provide patients and their loved ones with all the information we can while they are in the office as well as the lack of time or expertise to determine which of the 50 items we could share with patients would be the best 2-3.

Leveraging technology by making tools and information available in a Digital Resource Center or an Online Library can help clinicians make information readily available and also allow patients to view and engage when it is convenient for them.  Additionally, software solutions,  like our Health Nudge platform, can deliver achievement/ supporting informational activities to patients on a regular basis and reward them with positive affirmations and even points to help patients “stay on track” and meet their personal health goals.